

BIM-based assessment of embodied carbon

January 2022 - ongoing

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide emissions associated with construction materials and processes throughout the lifecycle of an asset. Embodied carbon is expected to account for nearly 50% of the total carbon footprint of new constructions by 2050. Unlike operational carbon emissions, this type of emissions cannot be improved once they have been released. Therefore, it is important to carry out an assessment at the earlier design stages to enable informed decision making towards reducing them.

Generative design in construction

January 2022 - ongoing

Generative design is a rule-driven design process based on parametric modelling to explore, iterate and optimise design possibilities by defining constraints and goals. This process is powerful during the conceptual design stage as it allows practitioners to generate design alternatives with high performance for data-driven decision making.


Development of a software tool to measure Safety Culture

July 2021 - April 2022

This project validated a software tool that measures Safety Culture currently deployed in several companies across the United Kingdom.

BIM Safety Risk Library for construction

August 2020 - December 2021

This Discovering Safety project aims to create and maintaint a construction health & safety knowledge database. The current version of this database has been implemented in a cloud-based BIM tool across multiple construction projects in the United Kingdom.


BIM-based construction simulation modelling

October 2016 - September 2020

My main PhD research work focused on developing a framework to integrate building information modelling and construction simulation. I implemented the framework within a game engine and tested it in a case study on a typical construction management resource allocation problem.

Discrete-event simulation modelling of construction labour absenteeism

January 2014 - July 2015

My MEng research work focused on measuring quantitatively the impact of labour absenteeism on the duration of construction activities.
